Evaluating Your Current Janitorial Staff

Do you know how clean your organization's facility really is? With everything that today's facility managers and owners have to keep track of, it can be difficult to carve out enough time to conduct a thorough cleaning staff performance review – but making the time is essential.

Did you know that an effective janitorial team can actually help your business succeed? By keeping key areas well stocked, as well as properly cleaned and sanitized, your facility becomes a more welcoming and enjoyable space for both customers and staff. A regular cleaning can even help create a healthier environment by improving air quality and encouraging worker safety and performance.

Since a strong commercial cleaning service can benefit your overall business in a number of ways, it's crucial that you know exactly how your janitorial team actually performs. Use our tips and the checklists below to quickly and easily create a janitorial services evaluation form you can use again and again to ensure your facility gets the deep clean you need.

Building Your Janitorial Evaluation Form

To make sure your current janitorial team cleans to your specific standards, we recommend that you generate your own janitorial services evaluation form to cover the areas of most importance to you, like high-traffic and high-visibility areas. Make a cleaning checklist for each area, and include room for additional comments and follow-up requests. You can even identify specific spaces you want cleaned and sanitized on a daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual and annual basis.

The commercial cleaning professionals at ServiceMaster Clean broke down the most common cleaning tasks by room below so you can easily start building your own evaluation form today.


Kitchen (if your company has one):

Common Areas:

Add your own questions to this checklist to create a form personalized to your business. That way, you can better identify if your current cleaning staff is a right fit for your company.

The Real Cost of Poor Cleaning

Ultimately, the most important question to consider when evaluating a commercial cleaning company is whether you feel comfortable communicating with your janitorial team to come up with solutions when issues arise. A performance evaluation won't change anything if your janitorial team is inaccessible or unresponsive.

When you have a concern, your cleaning crew should be able to respond immediately. If you don't feel comfortable talking to your service provider, or they don't fix an issue right away, you may never get the service you and your business deserve. As your business changes, so will your cleaning needs. You need a commercial cleaning partner who is willing to change with you.

If the performance evaluation of your current cleaning company reveals that it's time for a change, contact the experts at ServiceMaster Clean. We have the dedicated janitorial professionals, advanced tools and industry experience you need to get the best service possible. Find out more about our comprehensive, customizable commercial cleaning services today.