How to Organize Your Important Documents

Ramsey Solutions

Being an adult has its perks . . . and challenges. When you’re little, you dream about the day you get to drive your own car, have your own house, and stay up as late as you want. But you never think about the not-so-fun parts—like paying taxes, having a tooth pulled, or getting your driver’s license renewed. Oh, and what about figuring out how to safely organize the important documents you’re supposed to hold on to throughout the years?

At some point, asking your 75-year-old mom to overnight a copy of your birth certificate just doesn’t cut it anymore. So how the heck do you know the difference between the important documents and the ones that should go straight to the shredder?

Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Let’s talk about which documents to protect, which documents to toss, and the why behind both decisions.

What Are Important Documents?

Important documents are certain legal, tax, medical, property and personal records you should hold on to in case you need to reference or use them down the road. You know, the stuff you keep around “just in case.”

You could wind up needing one of those important documents if a big life event happens, like buying a house, having a baby, changing your name, or making a will. And when one of those big moments arrives, the last thing you’ll want to do is run around the house searching for the papers you need like you’re Monty Python looking for the Holy Grail (because you probably don’t have access to the Holy Hand Grenade).

So, you need a document organizer somewhere in your home that you can easily find in those big moments. Which are the most important documents to hang on to? They include: