How to Follow Up on a Job Application (Email Templates Included)

How to follow up on a job application; it’s something all job seekers wonder about. After all, once you find your dream opportunity, you don’t want it to slip through your fingers. So, it’s only normal to try and figure out what you can do to get the hiring manager’s attention and land the position.

But how do you follow up on a job application properly? And what happens if you get it wrong?

If you’re trying to figure out how to follow up on a job application, here’s what you need to know.

Following Up on a Job Application

Alright, before we dig into how to follow up on a job application, let’s take a second to talk about what following up means and why it matters.

In the simplest sense, following up involves touching base with the hiring manager. You’re reaching out to let them know that you’re interested in the position and would like to learn more about the status of your application.

Typically, you send a follow-up email for job opportunities. It’s the polite, professional approach that doesn’t intrude on the hiring manager’s day.

Does sending a follow-up message matter? Yes, it certainly can.

A well-written job application follow-up email can be a difference-maker. It may bring your application to the hiring manager’s attention. Plus, you can use it as an opportunity to highlight your enthusiasm for the role and why you’d make a great candidate. Under the best of circumstances, your follow-up email could ultimately land you an interview.

But a poorly-crafted email can also send you straight to the discard pile. Using the wrong tone, being demanding, or even sending the message at the wrong time doesn’t reflect well on you as a professional. If the hiring manager isn’t happy about the email, they may remove you from contention.

Now, this doesn’t mean you should panic. After all, you’re here, and we’re going to give you a strategy that helps you get it right.

Details of a Job Application Follow-Up Email

If you want to create a winning follow-up email after applying for a job, you need to use the proper approach. One of the easiest places to start is with the email format.

Most follow-up emails include a: