Educational Expense Agreement

You recently requested approval for advance payment of expenses for an educational course. In accordance with our educational assistance policy, you must complete the following educational expense agreement and submit it to your immediate supervisor. You will be informed of a decision on your request by human resources (HR) within two weeks.

If you have any questions regarding the educational expense policy or this agreement, please contact HR.

As part of [company name]'s educational assistance program, [company name] agrees to advance educational expenses for you to attend:

City, State: _________________________________________________________

Dates of Attendance: ________________________to ________________________

Total Expense Amount: $_____________ (includes registration, tuition, fees, required books and other materials to a maximum of [insert dollar amount]).

In consideration of payment of these expenses, you agree to the following:

If you are unable to complete this course due to what the company considers extenuating circumstances (such as your illness or the illness of a family member) and you receive a tuition or materials refund, you agree to give the full refund to the company via personal check within one week of receipt.

If you voluntarily terminate employment with [company name] prior to completing the course, you will refund the entire amount of the educational expenses provided to you.

If you voluntarily terminate employment with [company name] after completion of the course and prior to completing six consecutive months of active employment, you will refund the entire amount of the educational expenses provided to you.

If you voluntarily terminate employment with [company name] after completion of the course and after completing six months of active employment but prior to completing 12 consecutive months of active employment, you will refund a prorated share of the educational expenses provided to you. The prorated amount will be based on the total amount of educational expenses provided divided by the percentage of time left in months from one year that you did not continue working. For example, if you receive the maximum of $2,500 for an educational course and work only nine months after completion of the course, you will refund 25% of the $2,500 or $625 (three months not served divided by 12 months equals 25%).

If any action is brought to enforce any provision of this agreement by [company name], you agree to pay all costs associated with the action as well as any costs of litigation, including all reasonable attorney fees.

This educational expense agreement creates no contract of employment between you and [company name]. You may terminate your employment with this company at any time with or without cause, and [company name] may terminate your employment at any time with or without cause.

Employee name: _______________________________________________

Employee signature: _____________________________________________

Supervisor name: _______________________________________________

Supervisor signature: ____________________________________________

Human Resources Director name: ____________________________________

Human Resources Director signature: _________________________________