India Physical Map

India is one of the seventh largest countries in World in terms of area. It is situated on the Indian plate which is the plate of Indo-Australian. Position of India is between 8 degree 4’ and 37 degree 6’ latitude in the north equator and in east longitude its position is 68 degree 7’ and 97 degree and 25’. The entire area of India is 32 lakh, 87 thousand, two hundred and sixty three square kilometer. From East to West, area of India is 2 thousand nine hundred thirty three Kilometer. And Area from North to South is three thousand, two hundred and fourteen. In entire land area, India has fifteen thousand two hundred Kilometer of frontier while seven thousand five hundred seventeen KM is of coastline.

India On Physiographic Region

On this region India is divided into six regions namely The Islands, The Desert, Indo Gangetic Plains, The Peninsular Plateaus, Northern Mountains and The Coastal plane.

Northern Mountain – The region comprises mountains in area, these mountains are covered uninterrupted two thousand and five hundred kilometers. In this range mountain includes are some of the world tallest Mountain. Himalaya is one of them with the highest peak of Mt. Everest at the height of twenty nine thousand, twenty nine feet. This mountain has huge important in safety and security of Indian state. It acts as a barrier from illegal proliferation in state as well as it separates other Asian countries with India. Himalaya Mountains plays major role in effecting climate of entire country as well. Form North it restricts cold winds to enter in to country and thus protect states from extreme cold. The mountain region also effect monsoon winds. They stop monsoon winds and thus lead to heavy rainfall in nearby states as well as other states in country.

Peninsular Plateaus – The range particularly present in central India, there are many plateaus present across this region with elevation of 300 hundred to 600 meters. These plateaus separate North India to South India. Some of the major plateaus are Malwa plateau, Deccan, Chota Nagpur, Satpura Range and many others.

Indo-Gangetic Plain - These are large plains of alluvial with three large rivers namely Ganga, Brahmaputra and Indus. These rivers run in parallel to Himalaya, from Jammu Kashmir to Assam in North east.

The Desert – The desert range comprises of Thar Desert. Most of the Desert is present in Rajasthan that covers area of approximately 61 percent. According to some experts, Thar Desert is the seventh largest desert in in World and it also affect climate of India to great extent.

Coastal Region - The coastal area is the land lying area between Tamil Nadu to West Bengal. This plain is divided into six regions naming Mahanadi Delta, Krishan-Godavari Delta, Kankyakumari Delta, Coromandel Coast, South Andhra Pradesh and Sandy Coastal.

Islands In India – Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep are two major island of India and classified as Union Territory.

India is rich in water bodies as well; it has 14 thousand and 5 hundred inland waterways that are navigable. There are many rivers present in country most of them originate from Himalaya and Karakoram ranges, Vindhya and Satpura ranges and Sahyadri.

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