American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man (1948)

Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]

Content type: Encyclopedia entries Product: Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law [MPIL]
Module: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL] Article last updated: October 2010

From: Oxford Public International Law ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2023. All Rights 05 September 2024

Subject(s): Economic, social, and cultural rights — Equality before the law

Published under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law under the direction of Professor Anne Peters (2021–) and Professor Rüdiger Wolfrum (2004–2020).

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1 The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man was the first international human rights instrument of the modern era, adopted more than six months before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (‘UDHR’; UNGA Res 217 A [III] [10 December 1948]). The Declaration created the basis for the development of the Inter-American system of human rights (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights [IACommHR]; Inter-American Court of Human Rights [IACtHR]).2 The Ninth International Conference of American States adopted the Charter of the Organization of.

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