Podcast Solutions : The Complete Guide to Podcasting

Are you the kind of person who’s got a lot to say? Have you ever wanted to share your talents, thoughts, and opinions with others, but have lacked the broadcasting knowledge and contacts to achieve such a goal?

Well, today it’s well within your grasp, thanks to Podcasting using only some simple recording equipment, a computer, and the Internet, you can record and distribute your own audio shows, including anything you want - comedy, debate, news, reviews, interviews, music the only limit is your imagination.

Of course, you’ll need a guide to tell you what you need to know, which is where this indispensable book comes in. Written by two of the best and brightest podcasting pioneers, Podcast Solutions is a shrewd and comprehensive guide to podcasting. From downloading podcasts to producing your own for fun or profit, Podcast Solutions covers the entire world of podcasting with insight, humor, and the unmatched wisdom of experience.

This is the guide to podcasting you’ve been looking for, and the only one you’ll need.

Избранные страницы


A brief history of podcasting Listening to Podcasts Podcasting HowTo Developing your podcast Planning Your Podcast Formatting and structuring your podcast Podcasting Tools Introduction to digital audio editing Encoding and compressing to MP3 Updating ID3 tags and artwork Registering your own domain Preparing Your File 131 Getting listed in the major podcast directories Networking with other podcasters Microphones Pop Filters Phone patches and digital hybrids Recording Your Podcast Introducing the waveform Recording a podcast Putting It All Together Selling your own merchandise Making Money with Podcasting 189 Entertainment

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Об авторе (2006)

Michael W. Geoghegan is a well-known figure among podcasters and has been involved in podcasting since it earliest days. Because he started early, he has developed personal friendships with most of the key figures in podcasting. Michael has spoken and lead sessions at the Podcast and Portable Media Expo. He was also the first person to lead introductory podcasting classes entitled "Podcasting 101". Michael is frequently sought for comment on podcasting by media sources such as CNN, Wired magazine, The New York Times and USA Today, among many others. Michael produces his own show, Reel Reviews: Film Worth Watching, which has consistently scored in the top 10 among podcast listeners. He recently syndicated Reel Reviews content to DVDtalk.com, the Internet's largest DVD movie review and discussion site. Reel Reviews also currently has paid sponsors. Michael's sponsorship deals represent some of the first for mainstream companies outside the podcasting industry. In addition to Reel Reviews, Michael is executive producer of Grape Radio, a show about wine that in less than 8 weeks' time places in the top 10 out of over 4,000 available podcast shows. Grape Radio has experienced phenomenal growth and features interviews with leading experts in the wine industry. Michael continues to develop and produce shows aimed at the lifestyle and technology markets. He also offers his services as a consultant to businesses developing podcasting and portable media strategies. Michael is widely regarded as a leader in producing quality podcast audio. Many of his online articles on how to podcast remain some of the most popular and widely linked to. Michael lives in Newport Beach, California with his wife and two young sons.

Библиографические данные

Название Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Podcasting
Авторы Michael W. Geoghegan , Dan Klass
Издание: иллюстрированное
Издатель Apress, 2006
ISBN 1430200545, 9781430200543
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 240
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