Con crunch stress scholarly articles cosplay

Time Management and Con Crunch: Common Cosplay Mistakes

Cosplay builds can be huge projects to tackle, and every single cosplayer out there has things in their lives going on other than building cosplay, even the professionals. Whether it’s work, family, friends, or other obligations, cosplay isn’t the only thing you have on your schedule, so it’s important to learn to manage your time in order to complete your cosplays before the next con or event. In this blog post, we’ll give you some cosplay time management tips to help you deal with that all-too-familiar con crunch feeling.

Tips for Cosplay Time Management

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Avoiding Stress by Planning Ahead

Con crunch is a well-known feeling for most of us, and it’s not fun to feel like you’re racing against the clock to finish your cosplay. While it might take some time to get a feel for how long certain tasks take while working on your build, with practice, we can all build better time-management habits to help cosplay feel less stressful. One of the reasons why we, as humans, tend to procrastinate certain tasks is that we fear how difficult those tasks might be. However, with a solid plan for your cosplay before you even get started, that fear can feel a lot less intimidating, leading to less procrastination and more creation. Cosplay is supposed to be fun, not a chore, so spending the planning time upfront is one of the best ways to avoid the mistake of putting yourself in a time crunch later.